Armagideon Time

I am a ghoul who will lurk by your graveside
I’ll be the fiend that you’re fighting off
We’ll mope forever
Knowing together
That we did it all for the glory of goth

After all these years I’m still wondering whether it was a “Robert Palmer being a Husker Du fan thing” or that some stylist dressed Cetera for the video shoot.

Recommended listening:

2 Responses to “Halloween Countdown: Day 7 – Saturday in the dark”

  1. Juan Escondido

    Aside from my general happiness at seeing old friend The Halloween Countdown return, I am going to call it as a reader of over a decade’s vintage: best linked song-title punchline in one of these posts EVER.

  2. Juan Escondido

    Bauhaus titles for the elder set:

    “My Back’s Gone Out”
    “Terror Couple Kill Colonel, and Fox News Makes Hay About It for Months”
    “Bella Lugosi’s Dead (Along With All My Other Friends)”
    “Swing the Heartburn”

    You know, this is proving so easy as to not actually be fun.

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