One of the bigger events that happened during the hiatus was the passing of Ollie Dog last spring. He is much missed, but he had a grand life, was much loved, and left this world peacefully.
My opinion that we should maybe wait a bit before getting another canine companion was vetoed by the wife and child, which in turn led to this energetic furball joining the household:

He’s a Pomeranian/Yorkshire Terrier mix whose official name is Apito (chosen by the Kid, after a Caribbean goddess) but he has already racked up a slew of alternative and nick names…one of which is Larry.
Well, the little dude’s extreme fuzziness has led to him being called a “miniature Wookie,” “Ewok,” and — when he’s being extra rambunctious — “baby werewolf.”

This triggered memories of the time when Maura and I were watching The Wolf Man a few years back and she blurted out “Wait, the werewolf’s name is Larry?!?” So whenever Apito is acting up, we say “he’s gone full Larry.”
Personally, I think Baby Fang/Fangpuss would’ve been a better fit.

Recommended listening:
October 2nd, 2022 - 2:19 pm
His hair is PERFECT.