Armagideon Time

(excerpts from Van Nielsen’s Field Notes on Prime-Time Draculas)

Rollin Handula: Master of disguise, strong affinity towards the moon. Daughter also a vampire of minor reknown. Won an Oscar for his poignant portrayal of another elderly ailing Dracula.

Swanula: Do not be fooled by the diminutive stature!!! Has made multiple demonic pacts with terrifying entities such as Satan, the Muppets, and Barbra Streisand. Later suspected of switching to a waterfowl based persona to menace a bat-themed vigilante (Professional jealousy? Must investigate further.)

Mike Bradula: Surrounds himself with a large brood. A strong preference for wide lapels and a-frame residences. Prone to dispensing trite moral lectures when confronted, but turns surly when typecast.

Recommended listening: The UHF abyss gazes also.

3 Responses to “Halloween Countdown: Day 3 – What beautiful ratings they make”

  1. Caffeinated Joe

    I was confused then delighted and now have to find out when Mike Brady played the Count!

  2. bitterandrew

    Season 2, Episode 13 of Fantasy Island: “The Lady and the Longhorn/Vampire”

  3. SJB

    OMG. Even more awesome that it was in an episode of Fantasy Island

    Eerily, Martin Landeau doesn’t look all that different

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