Armagideon Time

Last time I tried this, I ended up in the ER.

So let’s see how things go this time around.

Recommended listening: Some rockabilly thunder from Down Under from an artist who has since gone on to be a synth-goth Kylie.

3 Responses to “Halloween Countdown: Day 1 – All that remains”

  1. Greg D

    Yay! I knew that if I just believed hard enough, and clapped loud enough, this site would come back to life. Even if only for spooky season. I hope you enjoy the exercise.

  2. Jim Henson's Folklore Baby

    I was half-afraid to check the old AT site today; it seemed only too likely that the Halloween Countdown had breathed its last. I should have known how hard it is to keep a proper monster down.

    Whatever. I’m just thrilled to see the Countdown back (it’s been a seasonal touchstone for me since…2007, I think?).

    Welcome back, and no dying.

  3. King of the Moon

    What a delight to see pop up in my feed!

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