Armagideon Time

This is the season when dead things spring back to a horrid semblance of life, right?

Recommended listening: The heavy, heavy monster sound.

5 Responses to “Halloween Countdown: Day 1 – Dragged from the tomb”

  1. Bat Masterson

    Been dying for this.

  2. Jim Henson's Folklore Baby

    I didn’t want to ask lest I be seen as applying pressure to a legendarily perverse and prickly writer (takes one to know one, I guess), but I’m over the mist-shrouded moon that the HC has once more made a triumphally spooky return.

  3. Erick

    Happy October!

  4. SJB

    Love some Max Romeo

  5. Crowded House

    Sorry to be late, but I’m glad you’re back!

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