Armagideon Time

Between The Horror at 37,000 Feet (1973)…

…and The Devil’s Rain (1975)…

…the once and future Captain of the USS Enterprise didn’t fare well in his early 1970s encounters with the occult. Come to think of it, he didn’t do much better against spiders, either.

Recommended listening:

2 Responses to “Halloween Countdown: Day 9 – Deviled ham”

  1. SJB

    Saw Devil’s Rain in the theatre when it came out. The melting baddies at the end definitely were scary compared to the Ghoul and Sir Graves Ghastly fodder I got on Saturdays

  2. EAG46

    Good to see you back! Even if it’s for a short time. The Devil’s Rain was an interesting movie for sure. I didn’t like how it ended. [Never like movies ending badly for all the protagonists, someone has to have an optimistic ending.] I do like your music choices for this countdown. Hope you and all of your family, human and animal, are well.

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